Gijs Loning

Gjis Loning

Name: Gijs Loning
Title: Independent gear reviewer/vlogger/blogger
Country: The Netherlands

Favorite outdoor activities:
Camping, mountainbiking, making campfires, being outdoors, watching stars, cooking on campfires.

What’s your main contribution of being in the Jury do you think?
I am an 100% independent outdoor gear and bike journalist/reviewer/blogger and next to Youtube is my main channel. I look at products from a consumer’s point of view without forgetting that the gear needs to be produced for a certain price. I always take sustainability into my judgment. And sustainable can mean longevity instead of a total environmental friendly production. When I say I am independent I mean 100% INDEPENDENT. I am not payed for what I do and I don’t have affiliate deals. I don’t have advertisements on my website and I don’t sell anything.

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