Harald Angerer

Harald Angerer

Name: Harald Angerer
Company: auffimuasi.at – Trailrunning Blog since 2012
Title: Blogger, Founder
Country: Austria

Favorite outdoor activities:
Mostly trailrunning in summer and skimountaineering in winter. In Summer also normal running, mountainbiking, roadcycling und bike&hike. In winter alpine skiing and cross country skiing, classic and skating.

What’s your main contribution of being in the Jury do you think?
I have been working as a journalist and press photographer for almost 30 years. It all started with photography and snowboarding 32 years ago. I actually come from the sports industry, but then switched to the media industry 30 years ago. 10 years ago I brought together my passions, sporting goods, photography, mountain sports and writing in my hobby project, the blog “auffimuasi”. “auffimuasi” is translates to “I have to go up” and reflects my enthusiasm for mountain sports. Combined with my enthusiasm for the products, this has resulted in the focus on product testing.
