Marie Kjellnäs

Marie Kjellnäs

Name: Marie Kjellnäs
Company: Utemagasinet
Title: Editor in chief
Country: Sweden

Favorite outdoor activities
Hiking, kayaking, XC-skiing, skitouring, iceskating … and chilling, eating, drinking 😊

What’s your main contribution of being in the Jury do you think?
I have 25 years of personal experience of all year outdoor life, and a love for outdoor gear and clothing. In my profession I deal with the readers of Utemagasinet, Sweden’s leading Outdoor and Adventure Magazine, who buy more sports- and outdoor gear than any other magazine subscribers in our country. They are really picky and want to know Why? Who? How? When? before they buy anything. Our job is to guide them in the gear jungle, and I believe that I work for them in this jury too..