Name: Philipp Olsmeyer
Company: NORR Agency (NORR, 365, Scandinavian Outdoor News and Suston)
Title: Editorial Manager
Country: Sweden
Favorite outdoor activities:
I love exploring nature – in best case combined with a dip in cool waters. Each activity that takes me there is welcome, while trail-running, hiking, ski touring and roaming the near forests with dog and family are those I spend most time with.
What’s your main contribution of being in the Jury do you think
My mission as a journalist is to inspire and help people to discover the outdoors how it fits them best as a person. To show with the help of good stories and people that there are endless possibilities to enrich life by nature. And to demonstrate how to do so in the most sustainable way – both when it comes to behavior outside and the choice of activity, location or gear. I contribute with my own experience in Nordic nature, good knowledge about sustainability issues and a broad understanding for the needs of different outdoor target groups.